Soso, der Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Kopenhagen war also mit 4,6 Millionen Euro veranschlagt. Tatsächlich gekostet hat er dann 15 Millionen. Der Umbau einer Werfthalle zur Show-Arena war schuld.
es denn unter den pro Semester tausenden
Business-Administration-Masters-Absolventen (oder wie die Koofmichs heute
heißen) keinen einzigen mehr, der noch eine halbwegs tragfähige
Kostenkalkulation zuwege bringt?
Well, the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 was supposed to cost 4.6 Million Euros. In the end, due to the rebuilding of a dockyard hall into a show arena, it turned out to be 15 millions.
Every semester, thousands of Business Administration Master students (or whatever the merchants are called today) leave the universities. Is there absolutely no one among them who's able to set up a half-decent calculation of costs?