(Pittsburgh, this evening)
Monday, February 11, 2013
Honorare für Künstler sind nicht vorgesehen
Der Konzertagent Berthold Seliger freute sich sehr, als die ARD Interesse an der Aufzeichnung eines Konzerts einer seiner Bands hatte. Welches Honorar der Sender denn zahlen wolle, fragte er noch und erhielt die Antwort: "Honorare für Künstler sind nicht vorgesehen.
Die Aufzeichnung und Ausstrahlung dient der Promotion. Meines Wissens
erzielen die Künstler in der Regel zumindest über die Gema durch die
TV-Ausstrahlung einen geldwerten Vorteil." Das muss man sich auf der
Zunge zergehen lassen: "Honorare für Künstler sind nicht vorgesehen."
Die ARD schafft also präfeudale Zustände. Selbst am Königshof des Absolutismus erhielten Künstler wenn nicht Honorare, dann doch mal eine goldene Taschenuhr. (Perlentaucher vom 11. Februar 2013)
Dazu fällt auch mir nichts mehr ein.
Impresario Berthold Seliger was happy to learn that public German TV network ARD was interested in a recording of a concert by one of his artists. When he asked about the fee the station intended to pay, he got the answer: "Fees for the artists cannot be provided. The recording and broadcasting conduces to promotion. As far as I know, artists at least score a noncash benefit from the TV airing by Gema royalties" (Gema is the German copyright society). Really, this is something to think about twice: "Fees for the artists cannot be provided." The ARD creates a pre-feudal situation. Even at the court of absolutistic kings, the artists - if they were not paid a fee - at least sometimes got a golden pocket watch. (Perlentaucher, Februar 11, 2013, translation: jr)
Somehow there's nothing left to say.
Dazu fällt auch mir nichts mehr ein.
Impresario Berthold Seliger was happy to learn that public German TV network ARD was interested in a recording of a concert by one of his artists. When he asked about the fee the station intended to pay, he got the answer: "Fees for the artists cannot be provided. The recording and broadcasting conduces to promotion. As far as I know, artists at least score a noncash benefit from the TV airing by Gema royalties" (Gema is the German copyright society). Really, this is something to think about twice: "Fees for the artists cannot be provided." The ARD creates a pre-feudal situation. Even at the court of absolutistic kings, the artists - if they were not paid a fee - at least sometimes got a golden pocket watch. (Perlentaucher, Februar 11, 2013, translation: jr)
Somehow there's nothing left to say.